Bruria Adini, Shepherd Roee Singer, Ronit Ringel and Petra Dickmann (2018): Earlier detection of public health risks - health policy lessons for better compliance with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). Insights from low-, mid- and high-income countries, under review.
Lindsay Steele, Emma Orefuwa, Silvia Bino, Shepherd Roee Singer, Julius Lutwama and Petra Dickmann (2018): Earlier outbreak detection - A generic model and novel methodology to guide earlier detection supported by data from low- and mid-income countries; under review.
Petra Dickmann, Andrew Kitua, Franklin Apfel, Nigel Lightfoot (2018): Kampala manifesto: building community-based One Health approaches to disease surveillance and response - the Ebola Legacy. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(4): e0006292. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0006292.
Petra Dickmann, Bruria Adini, Ronit Ringel, Shepherd Roee Singer (2018): IHR Workshop on Earlier Detection. Executive Summary
Petra Dickmann (2017): 3 Fragen zu synthetischen Pockenviren. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2017, 114(50): A-2406 / B-2000 / C-1954
Petra Dickmann, Sam Keeping, Nora Döring, Andrea E Schmidt, Claudia Binder, Sergio Ariño-Blasco and Joan Gil(2017): Communicating the Risk of MRSA: The Role of Clinical Practice, Regulation and Other Policies in Five European Countries. Front. Public Health 5:44. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00044
Petra Dickmann, André Scherag, Sina M. Coldewey, Christoph Sponholz, Frank M. Brunkhorst, Michael Bauer (2017): Erkenntnistheorie auf der Intensivstation – welchen Zweck erfüllt eine Definition? Ein Paradigmenwechsel in der Sepsisforschung. Rebuttal. Der Anästhesist (12 May 2017); doi:10.1007/s00101-017-0315-3
Sebastian Weis, Petra Dickmann, Mathias W.Pletz, André Scherag, Sina M. Coldewey, Michael Bauer (2017): Sepsis 3: Neue Definition - neue Konzepte. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2017, 114(29-30): A-1424 / B-1196 7 c-1170
Lindsay Stelle, Emma Orefuwa and Petra Dickmann (2016): Drivers of Earlier Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Infectious Disease 53:15-20.
Petra Dickmann, Aphaluck Bhatiasevi, Fadela Chaib, Ombretta Baggio, Christina Banluta, Lilian Hollenweger and Abderrahmane Maaroufi (2016): Biological risks to public health - lessons from an international conference to inform the development of risk communication strategies. Health Security 14(6):433-440.
Petra Dickmann, Thomas Abraham, Satyajit Sarkar, Piotr Wysocki, Sabrina Cecconi, Franklin Apfel and Ülla-Karin Nurm (2016):Risk communication as a core public health competence in infectious disease management: development of the ECDC training curriculum and programme, Eurosurveillance 2016; 21(16); pii=30188, DOI: dx.doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.14.30188
Petra Dickmann, Franklin Apfel, René Gottschalk (2016): Risk Communication and Generic Preparedness: From Agent-based to Action-based Planning - A Conceptual Framework, British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 13(10); 1-5.
Petra Dickmann, Amanda McClelland, Gaya M Gamhewage, Patricia Portela de Souza, Franklin Apfel (2015): Making sense of communication interventions in public health emergencies - an evaluation framework for risk communication. Journal of Communication in Healthcare 2015; 8(3), 233-240. DOI: 10.1080/17538068.2015.1101962
Petra Dickmann, Katharina Wittgens, Sam Keeping, Dorothea Mischler and Ursel Heudorf (2015): Re-thinking risk communication: information needs of patients, health professionals and the public regarding MRSA - the communicative behaviour of a public health network in Germany responding to the demand for information. Public Health 12/2015.
Petra Dickmann, Heather Shelley, Nigel Lightfoot (2015): Biosafety and biosecurity: a relative risk-based framework for safer, more secure and sustainable laboratory capacity building. Frontiers in Public Health 10/2015; 3(214). DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00241
Petra Dickmann, Andrew Kitua, Paul Kaczmarek, Julius Lutwama, Justin Masumu, Esron Karimuribo et al. (2015): Using Lessons learned from previous Ebola outbreaks to inform current risk management. Emerging Infectious Diseases 05/2015, 21(5): DOI: 10.3201/eid2105.142016
Petra Dickmann & Franklin Apfel (2015): Risk and crisis communication (Chapter 7), in: Public Health for Mass Gatherings: Key considerations, ed. WHO, p. 65-70.
Petra Dickmann, Franklin Apfel, Nadine Biedenkopf, Markus Eickmann and Stephan Becker (2015): Marburg Biosafety and Biosecurity Scale (MBBS) – a framework for risk assessment and risk communication, Health Security 03/2015, 2(13): 88-95.
Petra Dickmann (2014): Risikokommunikation - veranstaltungsbezogene Risikokommunikation und Einbeziehung der Besucher in das Sicherheitskonzept, in: J. Schreiber (Ed.), Sicherheit und Gefahrenabwehr bei Großveranstaltungen, p. 213-218.
Petra Dickmann (2014): Grundlagen der Risiko- und Krisenkommunikation, in: J. Schreiber (Ed.), Sicherheit und Gefahrenabwehr bei Großveranstaltungen, p. 93-101.
Petra Dickmann, Sarah Emami, Arthy Santhakumar, Clare Mildenberger, and Nigel Lightfoot (2014): Safe and Secure Biomaterials. A Risk-Based Alternative Approach, Chatham House Research Paper, July 2014.
Petra Dickmann, Nadine Biedenkopf, Sam Keeping, Markus Eickmann and Stephan Becker (2014): Risk communication and crisis communication infectious diseases outbreaks in Germany. What is being done, and what needs to be done? Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 0:1-6.
Petra Dickmann, Sam Keeping, Nora Doering, Andrea Schmidt, Claudia Pasch, Sergio Ariño-Blasco, and Joan Gil (2014): MRSA and risk communication. Regulations, practices and policy approaches in five European countries. Accepted Eurosurveillance
Tinelli, Michela and Nikoloski, Zlatko and Kumpunen, Stephanie and Knai, Cecile and Pribakovic Brinovec, Radivoje and Warren, Emily and Wittgens, Katharina and Dickmann, Petra (2014)Decision-making criteria among European patients: exploring patient preferences for primary care services The European Journal of Public Health, 25 (1). 3-9. ISSN 1101-1262
Petra Dickmann (2013): Introducing a new risk communication paradigm, European Journal of Public Health, 23, suppl 1, 112.
Petra Dickmann, Sam Keeping, Katharina Wittgens, Naheed Jivraj, Nora Doering, Andrea Schmidt, Claudia Pasch, Sergio Ariño-Blasco and Joan Gil (2013): Risk communication for cross border health threats: infectious diseases and anti-microbial resistance. Eurohealth 19:4, p:19-20.
Michela Tinelli, Zlatko Nikoloski, Stephanie Kumpunen, Radivoje Brinovec, Emily Warren,Katharina Wittgens and Petra Dickmann (2013) How do patients choose their preferred healthcare provider? A series of case studies from Europe BMC, 346 (f2614). rr 652284. ISSN 1756-1833
Petra Dickmann & Stephan Becker (2013): BIOSICHERHEIT - Das neue dual-use Dilemma der modernen Biomedizin, Biospektrum 06/2013, p. 696-697.
Petra Dickmann (2013): Das neue Coronavirus und die Bedeutung von Risikokommunikation, Labor & more 03/2013, p. 26-30.
Petra Dickmann (2013): THINK – Biosecurity, wired magazine 01/2013
Petra Dickmann (2013): Mitigating the impact of infectious diseases at sporting events, ICSS Journal 01/2013
Petra Dickmann (2013): Public Health Preparedness for Major Sporting Events, Report LSE and ICSS.
Petra Dickmann, Thomas Abraham, Satyajit Sarkar, Franklin Apfel (2012): ECDC training: Risk communication in the prevention and control of communicable diseases. Focus: Measles, ECDC report.
Petra Dickmann, Christian Drosten and Stephan Becker (2012): Wir müssen die Risiken aushalten (We have to stand the risks) FAZ 18.02.2012
Petra Dickmann, Manfred Wildner, Wolf Dombrowski (2011): Escalation Levels of Risk Communication (Article in German), in: Biological Security in Germany, Proceedings of the Conference German BioSafety (Book in German), ed: Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance/Robert Koch Institute, p 115-124.
Petra Dickmann (2011): Tenacity. The ‚natural’ Decontamination of Bacteria and Toxins (Article in German), in: Biological Security (see above), Bonn, p. 321-332.
Petra Dickmann, Julia Sasse, Bernhard Preuss, Walter Biederbick (2011): Introduction to the Proceedings of the German Biosafety, (Article in German) in: Biological Security (see above), Bonn, p. 13-15.
Petra Dickmann, G James Rubin, Walter Gaber, Sabine Wicker, Simon Wessely, Hubert Serve, René Gottschalk (2011): New influenza A/H1N1 ("swine flu"): information needs of airport passengers and staff. Influenza and other respiratory viruses, 5, 39-46 DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2010.00168.x.
G James Rubin & Petra Dickmann (2010): How to Reduce the Impact of “Low Risk Patients” following a Bioterrorist Incident: Lessons Learned form SARS, Anthrax and Pneumonic Plague, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, March 2010, 8(1), 37-43.