Sueddeutsche Zeitung (28 June 2018): Synthetic biology: Laboratory-made synthetic killer viruses (article in German)
New York Times (18 Oct 2014): In Europe, Fear of Ebola Exceeds the Actual Risks
Bayerischer Rundfunk 19 January 2018: IQ Wissenschaft und Forschung: Synthetic biology - horsepox viruses (minute 19:00-25:00)
Deutschlandfunk 30 April 2017 - Pandemic Preparedness - Unsichtbare Feinde
hr-info: Biosicherheit - Funkkolleg Sicherheit. 15 May 2017 20:35;
DRadio Wissen 4 December 2013: Crisis communication in public health emergencies
Deutschlandfunk 20 February 2012
"Ebola - international response" in ARD Report aus Mainz, 2 September 2014 and 3Sat Nano, 9 September 2014
"Talk im Hanger 7" TV Show, Austrian Television; Discussant in a talk show on Biosecurity
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dickmann risk communication
is a strategic risk communication consultancy for health and security
drc| facilitates fresh thinking about biosecurity, risk communication and resilience
drc| offers services to improve strategy and practice of risk communication